Approach and Rate
What can you expect from a coaching trajectory at Practice Fos? And what will it cost you?
Intake, Frequency en Evaluation
Before the intake, you'll fill out a questionnaire so that both of us can prepare well for our first appointment.
During the intake, we'll get to know each other and explore the goals you want to work on. If possible, I'll provide you with tools you can start using right away.
The frequency and duration of the trajectory will be determined by us during the intake conversation. It's possible that these may change over the course of the trajectory, and we'll decide this together. We regularly evaluate: where are we? How did it go? What do you still need?
Online appointments are also possible.
All rates include materials, preparations, and analyses. This amount is billed monthly.
An appointment costs €115,- per hour.
This can be:
session online/in person for adult/adolescent/child
parent conversation
conversation with third parties (teacher, after-school care, GP, etc.)
school observation (including reporting)
parenting advice and support
For appointments not canceled at least 24 hours in advance, the full amount will be charged.
A telephone consultation costs €20 for every 20 minutes. I will clearly indicate when it will be a consultation.
Reimbursements and Complaints
With supplementary health insurance, it's possible to get (part of) the costs reimbursed. For more information:
NFG Reimbursements
RBCZ Reimbursements
Do you have questions or comments about my services? Are you dissatisfied? Please let me know.
I'm happy to have a conversation with you and work things out together. Despite a conversation, you may remain dissatisfied. Or you may prefer to have the conversation with an impartial person present. In that case, you can contact the complaints officer available through the NFG free of charge.
More information about this can be found here on the NFG website.